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Air Label Score
What is it?


The international «Air Label Score» certification guarantees consumers the best information on the emissions of products into indoor air.
Indoor air pollution, a threat to health
Every day we breathe 12,000 L of air, or over 15 kg
Indoor air is up to 10 times more polluted than outdoor air
50 % of all diseases are caused or aggravated by polluted indoor air
- Respiratory diseases
- Cancers
- Cardiovascular diseases
- Impact on embryo development
- Allergies
- Development of hyperactivity

"Air Label Score" certification

"Air Label Score" guarantees consumers the best information on the emission of products into the air.
Each product tested receives a score between A+ (very low emissions) to C (high emissions), indicating the concentration of the substances detected.

How does it work?

Products are analysed by an independent COFRAC-accredited laboratory according to the product’s real use protocol (and based on ISO standards).
All substances emitted by the product are captured and quantified separately via a full screening. More than 40,000 substances can be detected by these tests.
Each detected substance is compared with all existing national and international recommendations’, regulations’ and standards’ limit values, integrated by "Air Label Score".
How does it work?

Products with an A+ score have a very low impact on indoor air quality
All substances emitted by an A+ product comply with the most stringent existing limit values.
The final score given to the product is that of the worst rated emitted substance. This score is also influenced by the total amount of VOCs detected.
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