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of House Dust Mite Allergens

What are dust mites and why they allergens so dangerous?

These creatures are very tiny, about 0.1 – 0.4 mm long. They permanently reside in every home, hotel, everywhere where are bed, bed linen, carpets, curtains, textiles, upholstered furniture, in dust as well. Dust mites feed mainly on epidermis and hair shed from humans.

"House dust mites are arachnids, not insects, and are related to ticks, spiders and harvestmen."
"Dust Mites" 2009

M.J.Colloff “Dust Mites” 2009
Most common specie of dust mite in Europe is Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus.
Mites emerge as significant sources of indoor allergens and play a pivotal role in developing sensibility and triggering respiratory and skin
allergic reactions.

The most allergens are in Mites’ excrements – tiny pellets ranging from 10 to 50 µm
in diameter, are egested and accumulated in the textiles, which the mites inhabit.
Der p 1 allergen is one of major mite allergens.

Because faecal pellets are very small, dry, break down into fine dust, become airborne, inhaled by humans. Particles containing allergens, larger than 10 microns typically settle in the trachea or bronchi, while smaller dust particles below 10 microns deposited in the alveoli. The alveoli, situated at the terminal branches of our lungs, serve as the crucial site for gas exchange.

A mere gram of house dust harbors approximately 1000 dust mites, each actively producing about20 faecal per day.
The chart shows distribution of dust mites on bedding layers. They inhabited bed, mattress, linen in direct contact with people skin.

Degradation of allergen Der p1 using daily Probiotic Spray.

Degradation of allergen Der p1 using daily Probiotic Spray.

Degradation of Der p1, Der p1 pure, in feces, in cultures containing eggs, larvae and adults at 20°C and 37°C during the first 12 hours.
Degradation of Der p1, Der p1 pure, in feces, in cultures containing eggs, larvae and adults at 20°C and 37°C during the first 12 hours.