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What are

Why probiotics are effective against house dust mites allergens?

Probiotics are live microorganism which are beneficial to the host, The World Health Organization’s (WHO) 2014 prescribed definition of probiotics: “live microorganisms that when administered in adequate amounts confer a beneficial health effect on the host.”The etymology of the word probiotic comes from two Greek words Pro means for and biotic pertaining to life – a living organisms in our ecosystem.

How they work?

In Probiotic Spray are present beneficial bacteria Bacillus spices. Bacillus strains are most potent in degradation of organic matter. They secrete large quantities of extracellular enzymes that break down pollutants.


These enzymes are proteins which acting as biological catalyst. Catalyze long molecular chains of pollutants with allergens into short harmless water-soluble and easily absorbed by friendly bacteria from Probiotic Spray.


This is how mite allergens are rendered harmless and removed. In addition, the impurities left by mites are "cleaned ". Bacillus strains are the oldest natural “cleaners”. Nature is so organized that it will find a solution by itself.

Tests on allergen Der p1 and droppings of dust mites
confirm the effectiveness of Probiotic Spray.

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